For those who do not know, is Left4Dead 2 resulting from 17 November 2009 for the Xbox 360 and PC. Sorry, PS3 owners. This game will say to rock and this article begins for you, why. There are many important updates from the first game. I personally can not wait, day after the start.
The much-anticipated continuation is in the south, Louisiana to be exact. We have a new location, new weapons and new characters as well as receive.
This continuation will have 5 campaigns, so it is a little biggerthan the original. As expected, all the campaigns to support 4-player co-op, with verses and Survival mode. A note is that the community that is the last campaign, carried the day.
New Zombie Spitter
Left4Dead 2 has a new major enemy, the Spitter. The bad guys are, is very difficult. Spit (DUH), a fiery acid over a very long distance. If that's not good enough for her to spit shines the earth. A quick way to die, it is to be in the wrong place with athese guys.
New Zombie: Charger
Valve of this type of campers out there. Basically he is a bull that all campers, the love is getting crushed in a narrow range and wading things. If he grabs you, get ready to see a ram to.
It comes to other types of zombies, it seems. Although there is now no specific Hazmat zombies are immune to) fires (bye bye incendiary weapon.
New Guys
Zoey, Francis, Louis and Bill (The Kill stealer) are gone. TheFour new characters are Nick, Ellis, Rochelle and coach.
These are just some of the improvements for Left4Dead 2nd This game will always play tons of hours at my house.
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